
Creative COW Advanced Rotoscoping Techniques For Adobe After Effects 高級動態遮罩技術教學 英文DVD版

軟體名稱: Creative COW Advanced Rotoscoping Techniques For Adobe After Effects
程式語言: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝 (單面DVD)
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/vista
軟體類型: 高級動態遮罩技術教學
更新日期: 2008.12.30
相關網址: http://store.creativecow.net/p/74/advanced_rotoscoping_techniques_for_adobe_after_effects
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

Creative.COW推出的系列教程: AfterEffects 高級動態遮罩技術 (Advanced Roto
scoping Techniques for Adobe After Effects)
主講: Pete OConnell

在這套超過2小時的教程中,將會以一種全新的方式來幫助你學習如何使用 AE的所
追蹤(motion tracker來為你做更多的事。

. The basiC steps used to set up a roto comp in AE. Useful keyboard shor
. Preference settings. Moving mask points using the keyboard. Moving gro
ups of points using the transform box.
. The advantages and disadvantages of having your mask layers visibilit
y turned either off or on.
. Tracking Fundamentals: how to motion track and what to watch out for.
. How to set up your tracking comp to get the most accurate track. Preco
mposing and color correcting.
. Examples of motion tracking a few points, from easy ones to difficult
hand tracks.
. Stabilizing foreground objects for easier roto.
. Rotoscoping accurately with a minimum of keyframes.
. Matching roto masks with the original footage.
. Choosing good track points. Applying transforms to a solid.
. Making a shape to follow motion, without applying keyframes.
. Adding basiC detail to roto masks.
. Using keyboard shortcuts to speed up the roto process.
. Finessing and finishing the roto mask.
. Incorporating the new right arm mask into the main matte comp.
. Bad roto alert!
. Using multiple masks and the transform box to roto out a complex object.
. Preparing to rotoscope by stabilizing the footage rather than the masked solid
. Inverting stabilization to align a mask with the original footage
. Using a secondary solid to avoid scaling distortion.
. Rotoscoping details.
. Using a secondary solid to avoid composition bounds problems.
. Rotoscoping using a 2 point track.
. Setting up an expression for 4 point cornerpin based roto.
. Using a 4 point cornerpin track.
. Saving mask shapes and transform keyframes as a consolidated .ffx file.
